Understanding Quantum Computing Technology | UPSC


  • India launched the National Quantum Mission in 2023 and became one of the six countries in the world to have a dedicated programme to harness the power of quantum technologies.
  • Quantum technologies, leveraging the unique properties of the tiniest particles of matter, promise groundbreaking solutions to some of today’s most challenging issues, such as clean energy and affordable healthcare.
  • Despite having a solid research foundation in quantum science, India still has significant progress to make. A recent report surveying the country’s capabilities in this field highlights that nations like China and the United States have a substantial lead over India. These countries have not only invested significantly more funds into quantum research but also have a larger workforce dedicated to this sector.

What is Quantum Computing Technology?

  • Quantum computing is an advanced technology leveraging quantum mechanics to address complex problems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. 
  • For instance, IBM and Google are leading companies developing quantum computers capable of solving problems like complex molecular simulations.

Principles Behind Quantum Technology

  • Quantum computing is based on quantum mechanics principles, including superposition and entanglement. 
  • These allow quantum bits (qubits) to exist in multiple states simultaneously and interact in intricate ways, enhancing computational power.
  •  For example, D-Wave’s quantum computers use qubits to solve optimization problems much faster than classical computers.

Applications and Advantages of Quantum Technology

Higher Problem-Solving Capabilities

    • Quantum computing can tackle complex issues in cryptography, optimization, materials science, and drug discovery, currently unsolvable by classical computers. 
    • For example, Shor’s algorithm on a quantum computer can factorize large numbers efficiently, impacting cryptography.

Enhanced AI Models

    • Quantum computing can significantly improve machine learning algorithms, resulting in more efficient and accurate AI models.
    •  For example, quantum-enhanced machine learning can improve image recognition systems used in autonomous vehicles.


    • Quantum technology optimizes complex processes like supply-chain management and financial portfolio optimization by exploring multiple solutions simultaneously. 
    • For example, BMW has partnered with the quantum computing company, Honeywell, to optimize their supply chains. By using quantum algorithms, they can identify the most efficient routes and scheduling for parts delivery, significantly reducing costs and improving efficiency.

Secure Communication

    • Quantum encryption enables ultra-secure communication, making it nearly impossible for hackers to intercept sensitive information. 
    • For example, the Chinese government has successfully demonstrated quantum key distribution (QKD) through its Micius satellite. This technology facilitated secure video calls between Beijing and Vienna, showcasing the potential for quantum encryption to protect sensitive governmental and financial communications from eavesdropping and cyber-attacks. 

New Medicines

    • Quantum computing aids in simulating complex molecular interactions, facilitating the discovery of new drugs and the optimization of existing ones. 
    • For instance, quantum simulations can help identify new drug candidates for diseases like Alzheimer’s.

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Salient Features of the National Quantum Mission


    • The Department of Science & Technology (DST) will implement the mission from 2023-2031 to foster a robust ecosystem in Quantum Technology (QT). For example, similar to the European Union’s Quantum Flagship initiative.

Development of Quantum Computers

    • The mission aims to develop intermediate-scale quantum computers with 50-100 qubits in 5 years and 50-1000 qubits in 8 years, similar to IBM’s goal of achieving quantum advantage.

Development of Quantum Materials

    • It will support the design and synthesis of quantum materials like superconductors and novel semiconductor structures, aiding in the fabrication of quantum devices. For example, developing topological insulators that can be used in quantum devices.

Secure Communication

    • The mission targets satellite-based secure quantum communications between ground stations over 2000 km within India and with other countries. 

Establishment of T-Hubs

    • Four Thematic Hubs (T-Hubs) will be set up in top academic and National R&D institutes, focusing on Quantum Computation, Quantum Communication, Quantum Sensing & Metrology, and Quantum Materials & Devices. 
    • Similar to MIT’s Center for Quantum Engineering.

Significance of the National Quantum Mission

Improving India’s Standing in the Global Economy

    • Quantum computing, AI, IoT, and machine learning are reshaping the global economy. The mission will position India favorably in this new economic order.
    •  For example, India could join the ranks of quantum leaders like the US and China.
    • These countries are already leveraging quantum technologies to drive innovations across various sectors.
    • In the United States, companies like IBM and Google are making significant strides in quantum computing, developing quantum processors that promise to solve complex problems in optimization, cryptography, and materials science. 
    • The US government has also established initiatives like the National Quantum Initiative Act to support quantum research and development, ensuring the country remains at the forefront of this transformative technology.

Economic Growth and Job Creation

    • Experts predict quantum technologies could contribute $280-310 billion to the Indian economy by 2030, spurring job creation in research, development, and manufacturing of quantum devices. 
    • For instance, creating jobs in quantum startups like IonQ and Rigetti.

Industrial Boost

    • The mission will enhance industries such as aerospace engineering, weather prediction, cyber security, advanced manufacturing, health, agriculture, and education. 
    • For example, improving weather prediction models with quantum-enhanced algorithms can revolutionize the accuracy and timeliness of weather forecasts. Traditional weather prediction relies on classical supercomputers to process vast amounts of meteorological data. However, these models are often limited by computational power, leading to less accurate forecasts.
    • With quantum computing, the ability to handle and process massive datasets increases exponentially. Quantum-enhanced algorithms can simulate atmospheric conditions more precisely by considering a larger number of variables and their interactions simultaneously. This leads to more accurate predictions of weather patterns, extreme weather events, and climate changes.

Enhanced Security Infrastructure

    • Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) will secure communication and financial transactions infrastructure in India. 
    • For instance, securing government communications and financial networks.

Supporting Socio-Economic Development

    • The mission will complement national programs like Digital India and Make in India, supporting progress toward Sustainable Development Goals.
    • Enhancing Digital Infrastructure (Digital India): Quantum-safe encryption can secure Aadhaar data, protecting citizens’ personal information from cyber-attacks.
    • Promoting Advanced Manufacturing (Make in India): Quantum sensors in the automotive industry can improve the precision of self-driving cars, enhancing India’s manufacturing capabilities.
    • Accelerating Research and Development: Establishing T-Hubs will nurture a new generation of quantum scientists, driving research in quantum communication, computation, and sensing.
    •  Improving Healthcare and Agriculture: Quantum simulations can identify potential drugs for diseases like cancer, and quantum-enhanced weather models can help farmers optimize crop management.
    • Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals: Quantum-enhanced climate models can provide accurate climate predictions, aiding in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Streamlining Material and Device Requirements

    • The mission will build infrastructure for new materials and devices, synergize the material workforce, and ensure efficient resource utilization.
    •  For instance, establishing research facilities similar to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US.

Solving Modern-Age Problems

    • It will address critical issues like clean energy and affordable healthcare with radical solutions. 
    • For example, quantum simulations to optimize solar cell efficiency or design new drugs for cancer treatment.
    • Researchers at institutions like the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) can use quantum simulations to analyze how perovskite materials absorb and convert sunlight into electricity. This can lead to the development of next-generation solar cells with higher energy conversion rates, making solar energy more affordable and widely accessible, contributing to clean energy solutions.
    • Institutions like the Tata Memorial Centre and pharmaceutical companies like Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories can leverage quantum simulations to accelerate the development of new cancer drugs. 

Challenges Faced by the Mission

Lower Investment Compared to Other Countries

    • India’s $0.75 billion investment is significantly lower than China’s $15 billion and the US’s $3.75 billion. For instance, China’s significant investment has led to rapid advancements in quantum research.

Fewer Scientific Research Papers

    • From 2000 to 2018, Indian researchers published 1,711 quantum-related papers, compared to China’s 12,110 and the US’s 13,489. This highlights the need for increased academic research and publications.

Fewer Quantum Technology Patents

    • Between 2015 and 2020, India had 339 quantum-related patents, whereas China had 23,335 and the US had 8,935. For example, patents drive innovation and intellectual property in quantum technology.

Limited Tech Manufacturing Firms

    • Less than 3% of deep tech start-ups in India involve quantum technologies manufacturing or materials. For instance, fostering quantum startups can emulate success stories like D-Wave and Rigetti.

Inadequate Infrastructure

    • India lacks the necessary infrastructure to support the entire quantum technology development chain. For example, developing state-of-the-art labs similar to Google’s Quantum AI lab.

Sparse and Scattered R&D Community

    • In 2018, India had only 253 full-time equivalent researchers per million people, about 11% of Italy’s researcher density. This highlights the need to build a larger, more connected R&D community.

Weak Industry-Academia Linkage

    • Lack of strong collaborations between academic institutions, research organizations, and industries slows down quantum computing development in India. For instance, partnerships similar to those between IBM and leading universities.

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Way Forward

Identify and Promote Young Talent

    • The mission should identify and nurture young talent, raising a separate cadre of quantum scientists. For instance, creating scholarship programs similar to the Fulbright Program for quantum studies.

Balanced R&D Ecosystem

    • India needs a well-balanced R&D ecosystem where near-term goals coexist and collaborate with fundamental and futuristic objectives. For example, balancing applied research with basic scientific inquiries.

Increased Investment Support

    • Both public and private entities should increase funding for quantum computing research, development, and innovation. For instance, encouraging venture capital investments similar to those seen in Silicon Valley.

Improved Infrastructure Facilities

    • Investment in state-of-the-art research facilities and resources for quantum computing development is essential. For instance, building labs equipped with quantum processors and advanced measurement tools.

Promotion of Partnerships

    • Enhanced collaborations between academic institutions, research organizations, and industries will create a robust ecosystem for quantum computing development. For example, forming consortia like the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) in the US.


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