Indian Express : Headlines Of The Day -19/7/2023

Headlines of The Day from Indian Express Newspaper :

Front Page

  1. Lack of consensus on Ukraine at G20 meet, Summit to take call
  2. Ranil heading to India, first official trip after taking charge last yr

Govt & Politics

  1. China’s stand on debt restructuring encouraging, says Sitharaman
  2. India, France will develop new gen military equipment says French envoy
  3. MDBs should adopt triple mandate to tackle poverty, says exper group
  4. Digitisation will curb land linked illegal activities : Murmu

Express Network

  1. Under reported covid deaths, inflated bills : PAC suggests probe by independent agency


  1. Delhi is raising the game
  2. Plug the data gaps

Ideas Page

  1. An economy more future ready

Express Network

  1. Rajasthan govt tables bill to guarantee minimum income
  2. Chandrayaan 3 enters higher orbit, mission on course


  1. Why Kuno cheetahs are at risk due to radio collars
  2. New opportunities, old issues


  1. Russia strikes Ukraine grain port after exiting export deal
  2. Sunak’s contested illegal immigation plan to become law


  1. India mulls building strategic gas storage as hedge against voltality
  2. Multi dimensional poverty index : Rural improvements led by Bihar, MP UP
  3. Universal Postal Union to check UPI platform for cross border remittances
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