The Hindu Newspaper : Headlines Of The Day – 12/7/2023

Headlines of The Day from The Hindu Newspaper :

Front Page

  • SC asks ED chief to quit, but upholds amendments
    1. GS -2 Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies.
    2. Read about ED – Functions – Appointing aurthority of director and term – Recent case laws
    3. Prelims – ED is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Finance
  • GST Council to impose 28% tax on online gaming firms
    1. GS -2 / 3 Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
    2. Prelims – Goods exempted under GST – Zero, Nil an non gst supplies
  • Centre’s view on Kashmir situation has no bearing on Article 370 case: SC
    1. GS -2 Indian Constitution- historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
    2. Read abut Article 370 – Article 35 A – Presidential order 2019 – J&K reorganization act





Text & Context

  1. What is the legal row between farmers and PepsiCo? (GS-3)


  1. The unseemly politics of the Uniform Civil Code (GS-2)


  1. Citizen action for clean politicians, cleaner politics (GS-2)
  2. Demographic transition and change in women’s lives (GS-2)
  3. Green washing (GS -2/3)
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