Daily News Analysis 28 June 2023

Table of Contents


  1. Pay heed to a resurgence in militancy in Rajouri-Poonch

Facts for Prelims

  1. World Competitiveness Index
  2. Whitefly
  3. Kharchi Puja

Pay heed to a resurgence in militancy in Rajouri-Poonch


The Rajouri-Poonch region in Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed a rise in terror-related incidents in recent years. The region, previously affected by insurgency, had experienced relative calm since the mid-2000s. However, the recent surge in militancy raises concerns about peace and security in the area.

Factors Contributing to Militancy Revival:

  1. Changing Infiltration Routes: Traditional infiltration routes through Rajouri-Poonch were utilized by terrorists heading towards the Pir Panjal ranges and the Valley. However, new infiltration paths through Nepal and Bangladesh borders have emerged.
  2. Smart Technology and Urban Operations: Terrorists employ smart technology for communication and operate in small groups from urban areas, making their activities harder to detect.
  3. Counter-Insurgency Grid Challenges: A thinned-down counter-insurgency grid in the Jammu region, due to troop deployment on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), has impacted security efforts in Rajouri-Poonch.
  4. Sleeper Cells and Drug Nexus: Reinvigorated sleeper cells and over ground workers, coupled with the drug menace, contribute to the challenges faced by security forces.
  5. Multifarious Causes: The causes behind the revival of militancy in the region are diverse and complex, requiring comprehensive strategies to address them effectively.

Gurjar-Bakkarwals as a Pillar of Support:

  1. Historical Support: The Gurjar-Bakkarwal community has played a crucial role in supporting the Indian Army and counter-insurgency operations. They formed the first Muslim village defense committee in 2002.
  2. Overcoming Challenges: Gurjar-Bakkarwals have stood up against terrorists, helping to establish peace in the region since 2004-05.

Alienation and Socio-Political Landscape:

  1. Potential Alienation: The drying up of local support raises questions about the alienation of the majority population, particularly the Gurjar-Bakkarwals.
  2. Factors Influencing Alienation: Unemployment, implementation gaps in the Forest Rights Act 2006, and the reservation issue have contributed to divisions within the community and strained relations with other groups.

Importance of a Comprehensive Approach:

  1. Hybrid Warfare and Governance: Dealing with the proxy war and hybrid warfare requires a \”whole of government\” approach, encompassing multiple layers of society, governance, and justice.
  2. Soldier and Community Contributions: Peace in the region heavily relies on the sacrifices made by soldiers and the support of the Gurjar-Bakkarwal community.


Addressing the challenges posed by the revival of militancy in Rajouri-Poonch requires a clear understanding of the realities on the ground. Implementing comprehensive strategies, bridging gaps in governance, and fostering unity among communities can help overcome these challenges and restore peace to the region.

World Competitiveness Index


Recently, the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) published the World Competitiveness Index.

About the World Competitiveness Index:

  1. The World Competitiveness Index (IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook or WCY) is an annual report published since 1989.
  2. It evaluates and compares the competitiveness of various countries worldwide.
  3. The index assesses how countries utilize their strengths to generate long-term value.
  4. It analyzes 336 criteria related to competitiveness.
  5. The criteria are categorized into four factors: Economic performance, Government efficiency, Business efficiency, and Infrastructure.

Key Points of the Index:

Top Three Competitors:

  1. Denmark, Ireland, and Switzerland have been ranked as the top three most competitive countries among the 64 economies included in the index.

India\’s Competitiveness:

  1. India dropped three positions and finished 40th in the rankings. However, it still improved compared to the years 2019-2021, when it consistently ranked 43rd.

India\’s Strengths and Weaknesses:

  1. India demonstrated better government efficiency but scored slightly lower than other countries in business efficiency, infrastructure, and economic performance.

Factors Contributing to India\’s Score:

  1. The top three factors that positively impacted India\’s competitiveness score were exchange rate stability, compensation levels, and improvements in pollution control.



Recently, the Rugose Spiralling Whitefly, which attacks palms, coconuts, and bananas, has been spotted in Pune city.

About Whitefly:

Whitefly Description:

  1. Whitefly is a type of winged insect closely related to aphids.
  2. These insects have soft bodies and are relatively small in size.
  3. They are known for their sap-sucking behavior.
  4. Whiteflies can become abundant in vegetable and ornamental plantings, particularly in warm weather.

Distribution and Invasiveness:

  1. Whitefly is naturally found in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico.
  2. It has spread to 22 other countries in Central and South America.
  3. It is considered an invasive insect.

Preferred Hosts:

  1. In its native range, whitefly mainly infests coconut palms and other broad-leaved hosts.

Attack and Impact:

  1. Whiteflies begin their attack on the lower leaves of coconut palms.
  2. They feed on the sap from the underside of the leaves.
  3. This feeding process results in the secretion of honeydew, which settles on the upper surface of the lower leaf.
  4. The honeydew promotes the growth of black, sooty mold, which is a secondary infection caused by the whitefly infestation.
  5. The whitefly infestation has a severe impact on coconut production.

It not only reduces the size of coconuts but also decreases their water content.

Kharchi Puja


Recently, The Prime Minister of India greeted people on the occasion of Kharchi Puja.

About Kharchi Puja:

  1. Festival of Tripura: Kharchi Puja is one of the main festivals celebrated in Tripura.
  2. Timing: It takes place during the months of July-August on the eighth day of the new moon.
  3. Cleansing of Sins: The name \”Kharchi\” is derived from two Tripuri words: \”Khar\” or Kharta, meaning sin, and \”Chi\” or si, meaning cleaning. The festival signifies the cleansing of our sins.
  4. Date: Kharchi Puja occurs during the month of \”Ashad\” on the \”Shukla Ashtami\” day.
  5. Worship of Fourteen Gods: The Royal priest, called \”Chantai,\” worships the fourteen Gods.
  6. Duration and Location: The festival lasts for seven days and takes place at the old Agartala in the premises of the Fourteen Gods temple, also known as the \”Chaturdasha Devata\” temple.
  7. Worship of Heads: The deities worshipped during Kharchi Puja do not have a full body; only their heads are worshipped.
  8. Rituals: On the day of the puja, the Chantai members take the fourteen Gods from the temple to the river Saidra. They bathe the deities with holy river water and then carry them back to the temple.
  9. Authentic Tripuri Traditions: The customs and traditions of Kharchi Puja are deeply rooted in the authentic Tripuri culture and traditions.
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