Daily News Analysis 06 July 2023

Table of Contents


  1. Choose a new palette for India’s creative economy

Facts for Prelims

  1. Sohagi Barwa Wildlife Sanctuary
  2. JIMEX 2023
  3. Chandrayaan III

Choose a new palette for India’s creative economy


Digital platforms have provided Indian artists and artisans with opportunities to reach wider audiences, but they also face challenges related to economic sustainability, market access, the digital divide, crime in the art world, and preservation. A collaborative model promoting the cultural economy can help address these challenges and enhance India\’s soft power.

Challenges faced by artists:

  1. Economic sustainability: Artists struggle to sustain themselves financially and need support to monetize their talents.
  2. Market access: Limited access to markets hinders the growth and recognition of artists, especially those preserving traditional art forms.
  3. Preservation of traditional art forms: Rapid societal changes pose a threat to traditional art forms, requiring efforts to preserve and promote them.

Addressing challenges in the art world:

  1. Transparency in financial assistance: The selection process for financial assistance in organizing cultural events needs transparency to ensure equal representation.
  2. Crime in the art world: Art theft, copyright infringement, forgery, fraud, and illicit trafficking are significant challenges that require increased security measures, international cooperation, public awareness, and advanced technology for authentication.

A workable solution:

  1. Collaborative model for the cultural economy: Establishing a capacity-building center and ecosystem of technology-based start-ups can support economic growth in the arts sector.
  2. Facilitation center: Providing guidance, technical support, infrastructure, access to investors, and networking opportunities for artists and artisans.
  3. Bridging the needs of artists: Offering training, professional development, market access, and participation in larger communities and networks.
  4. Leveraging data analytics: Using data to foster creative ecosystems and contribute to a sustainable world.
  5. Government and private sector support: Empowering artists, bridging industry gaps, and providing resources and opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.


Recognizing the economic importance of the arts sector, a collaborative model promoting the cultural economy can address challenges faced by artists and artisans in India. By providing support, resources, and opportunities, India can foster economic growth, preserve traditional art forms, and promote the overall development of the creative economy.

Sohagi Barwa Wildlife Sanctuary


A leopard was recently found dead in the Sohagi Barwa Wildlife Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh.

About Sohagi Barwa Wildlife Sanctuary:


  1. Situated in the Maharajganj district of Uttar Pradesh, India.


  1. Shares the international boundary with Nepal on the northern side.
  2. Eastern border is connected to Bihar\’s Valmiki Tiger Reserve.


  1. Declared a Wildlife Sanctuary in June 1987.


  1. Drained by the great Gandak, the little Gandak, Pyas, and Rohin rivers.


  1. Mostly flat with an average height of 100 meters above mean sea level.
  2. Gentle slope from North-West to South-East.


  1. Approximately 75% of the area is covered by Sal forest.
  2. Other humid areas contain Jaamun, Gutal, Semal, Khair Trees, etc.
  3. Lower region consists of grasslands and patches of Cane forests during the rainy season.


  1. Inhabited by various animals including Leopard, Tiger, Jungle Cat, Small Indian Civet, Langur, Deer, Blue Bull, Wild boar, Porcupine, etc.


  1. Diverse bird species present in the sanctuary, such as Little Cormorant, Snake Bird, Brahimini Duck, Common Teal, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Paddy Bird, etc.

JIMEX 2023


The Indian Navy is hosting the bilateral Japan-India Maritime Exercise 2023 (JIMEX 23), which takes place at/off Visakhapatnam.

About JIMEX 2023:

11th Anniversary:

  1. This edition marks the 11th anniversary of JIMEX since it started in 2012.


  1. The exercise will involve the participation of several Indian naval assets, including INS Delhi, INS Kamorta, fleet tanker INS Shakti, a submarine, maritime patrol aircraft P8I and Dornier, ship-borne helicopters, and fighter aircraft.

Duration and Phases:

  1. The exercise will take place over six days and will be divided into two phases.
  2. The first phase, called the harbor phase, will be held in Visakhapatnam and will involve professional, sports, and social interactions.
  3. The second phase will focus on joint warfighting skills and interoperability through complex operations in the surface, sub-surface, and air domains.


  1. JIMEX 2023 aims to facilitate mutual cooperation and strengthen maritime security between the Indian Navy (IN) and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).
  2. The exercise provides an opportunity for both navies to learn from each other\’s best practices and enhance operational interactions.

Other Exercises between India and Japan:

  1. Malabar: India, Japan, the United States, and Australia participate in the naval war gaming exercise called Malabar.
  2. SHINYUU Maitri: This is an air force exercise between India and Japan.
  3. Dharma Guardian: It is a military exercise between India and Japan.

Chandrayaan III


Chandrayaan III spacecraft was integrated with the GSLV Mark III launch vehicle recently. The launch is planned between 12-19th July 2023.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission:

Successor to Chandrayaan-2:

  1. Chandrayaan-3 is the next mission after Chandrayaan-2.

Launch and Components:

  1. It will be launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
  2. It consists of an indigenous Lander module, a Propulsion module, and a Rover.
  3. The Lander is a spacecraft that lands on the lunar surface, while the Rover is a small vehicle that moves on the moon.


  1. The mission aims to demonstrate a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface.
  2. It also intends to showcase the Rover\’s ability to explore the moon and conduct scientific experiments.

Lander Payloads:

  1. Chandra\’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE) measures thermal conductivity and temperature.
  2. Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) measures seismic activity.
  3. Langmuir Probe (LP) estimates plasma density.
  4. A Laser Retroreflector Array from NASA is included for lunar laser ranging studies.

Rover Payloads:

  1. near the landing site.

Propulsion Module Payload:

  1. Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) studies planets in reflected light to assess habitability and the presence of life.

GSLV-Mk III (Launch Vehicle Mark 3):


  1. It is a three-stage launch vehicle with two solid motor strap-ons, a liquid propellant core stage, and a cryogenic stage.
  2. GSLV-Mk III is the heaviest and shortest among India\’s operational launch vehicles.
  3. It weighs 641 tonnes, equivalent to the weight of five fully loaded passenger planes.
  4. It has a capacity to carry 10,000-kg satellites to lower earth orbits.
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