Daily News Analysis 06 & 07 August 2023 (The Hindu)

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Here are the topics covered for 06 & 07 August 2023: Water Neutrality in Indian Industries: Promoting Responsible Water Management, Jan Vishwas Act: Constitutional Challenge to Separation of Powers, World Breastfeeding Week 2023: Celebrating Breastfeeding for Sustainable Development, Digital Health Incentives Scheme (DHIS): Pioneering Healthcare Technology Adoption, Bhu-Vision: Revolutionizing Soil Testing and Agronomy, Himalayan Vulture Conservation and Ketoprofen/Aceclofenac Ban, Excess Cane Payments: Resolving Tax Disputes for Sugar Mills, Nuclear Signalling: New Guardrails for Nuclear Tensions, 5% of Birds in India are Endemic: Celebrating Biodiversity, Israeli Spike Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) Anti-Tank Guided Missiles: Elevating Defense Capabilities, Assam’s Manas Tiger Reserve: Overcoming Staffing Challenges for Tiger Conservation, Einstein Cross: Illuminating the Fascinating Phenomenon of Gravitational Lensing, Chandrayaan-3 Lunar Mission, Digital Portal for Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS): Promoting Cooperative Sector Efficiency, BharatNet: Expanding Connectivity for Remote Regions, 75 Endemic Birds of India: Celebrating Avian Biodiversity, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Perucetus Colossus (Ancient Giant Whale), Orbit Reduction Manoeuvre (ORM): Advancing Chandrayaan-3\’s Lunar Mission, 9th National Handloom Day.


Table of Contents:

GS Paper 1

  • Water Neutrality in Indian Industries: Promoting Responsible Water Management


GS Paper 2:

  • Jan Vishwas Act: Constitutional Challenge to Separation of Powers
  • World Breastfeeding Week 2023: Celebrating Breastfeeding for Sustainable Development
  • Digital Health Incentives Scheme (DHIS): Pioneering Healthcare Technology Adoption


GS Paper 3:

  • Bhu-Vision: Revolutionizing Soil Testing and Agronomy
  • Himalayan Vulture Conservation and Ketoprofen/Aceclofenac Ban
  • Excess Cane Payments: Resolving Tax Disputes for Sugar Mills
  • Nuclear Signalling: New Guardrails for Nuclear Tensions
  • 5% of Birds in India are Endemic: Celebrating Biodiversity
  • Israeli Spike Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) Anti-Tank Guided Missiles: Elevating Defense Capabilities
  • Assam’s Manas Tiger Reserve: Overcoming Staffing Challenges for Tiger Conservation
  • Einstein Cross: Illuminating the Fascinating Phenomenon of Gravitational Lensing
  • Chandrayaan-3 Lunar Mission
  • Digital Portal for Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS): Promoting Cooperative Sector Efficiency
  • BharatNet: Expanding Connectivity for Remote Regions
  • 75 Endemic Birds of India: Celebrating Avian Biodiversity


Prelims Related Facts

  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
  • Perucetus Colossus (Ancient Giant Whale)
  • Orbit Reduction Manoeuvre (ORM): Advancing Chandrayaan-3\’s Lunar Mission
  • 9th National Handloom Day


Water Neutrality in Indian Industries: Promoting Responsible Water Management

Context: NITI Aayog\’s introduction of a standardized approach for water neutrality highlights India\’s commitment to sustainable water management.


Water Neutrality Approach:

  1. Water neutrality involves balancing total freshwater consumption and quantifiable water savings through efficiency strategies, water reuse, and local offset.


Significance and Goals:

  1. Resource Conservation: Water neutrality ensures responsible water consumption, conserving a vital natural resource.
  2. Environmental Impact: Industries adopting water neutrality reduce their ecological footprint and promote sustainability.
  3. Sustainable Development: Achieving water neutrality aligns with national goals and fosters sustainable industrial growth.


POCSO Act and Child Protection

  1. Ministry of Women and Child Development
  2. Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act


POCSO Act Overview

  1. Enacted on November 14, 2012
  2. Aims to address sexual exploitation and abuse of children
  3. Gender-neutral nature
  4. Updated in 2019 with stricter penalties including death penalty
  5. Reporting cases made easier; non-reporting is an offense
  6. Explicitly defines terms like \’sexual assault\’ and \’storage of child pornography\’


POCSO Rules 2020

  1. Interim compensation and special relief for child needs
  2. Immediate payment for essentials through Child Welfare Committee
  3. Support person provided to assist child throughout investigation and trial


Challenges with POCSO Act

  1. Investigation issues due to low representation of women in the police force
  2. Lapses in investigation, evidence preservation, and crime scene management
  3. Lack of cross-examination for prosecutrix statements
  4. Age determination challenges for juvenile victims
  5. Delays in filing charges due to resource constraints and complexities
  6. Insufficient conditions to prove recent intercourse, affecting conviction rates


Initiatives to Curb Child Abuse

  1. Child Abuse Prevention and Investigation Unit
  2. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign
  3. The Juvenile Justice Act, Child Marriage Prohibition Act, and Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act
  4. Setting up POCSO Courts under Special Fast Track Courts


Recommendations for Improvement

  1. Provide funding and personnel for efficient investigations
  2. Train investigating officers for proper handling of cases
  3. Establish special courts for swift handling of cases


Jan Vishwas Act: Constitutional Challenge to Separation of Powers

  1. Jan Vishwas Act: Legal reform to enhance business environment by decriminalizing offenses or making them \”compoundable.\”
  2. Shifts power to impose penalties from judiciary to bureaucracy.
  3. Raises concerns about contravening constitutional separation of powers.


Background on Separation of Powers:

  1. Indian Constitution aims for separation of powers between judiciary and executive.
  2. Historic separation achieved around 1970 for criminal magistracy.


Challenges to Judicial Independence:

  1. Creation of judicial tribunals, statutory regulators, and adjudicatory officers blurs executive-judicial line.
  2. Jan Vishwas Act empowers bureaucrats as prosecutors and judges, raising constitutional concerns.


Constitutionality of Jan Vishwas Act:

  1. Grants bureaucrats authority to impose penalties, raising question of \”judicial function.\”
  2. Government cannot act as prosecutor and judge, undermining rule of law.



  1. Jan Vishwas Act raises concerns over separation of powers.
  2. Upholding independence of judiciary crucial for democracy.
  3. Bureaucratic encroachment on judicial powers must be prevented.


World Breastfeeding Week 2023: Celebrating Breastfeeding for Sustainable Development

  1. UNICEF and WHO commend progress in exclusive breastfeeding rates and stress the importance of support, particularly at workplaces.
  2. World Breastfeeding Week observed annually in August, aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  3. Theme: \”Let\’s make breastfeeding at work, work.\”
  4. Goal: Reach 70% breastfeeding rate by 2030.
  5. Exclusive breastfeeding vital for infant health, immunity, growth, and development.
  6. Global rate increased by 10%, reaching 48%.


Government\’s Initiative for Breastfeeding in India

  1. MAA (Mothers Absolute Affection): Ministry of Health and Family Welfare program to promote breastfeeding.
  2. Vatsalya – Maatri Amrit Kosh: Collaboration with Norwegian government for a National Human Milk Bank and Lactation Counselling Centre.


Digital Health Incentives Scheme (DHIS): Pioneering Healthcare Technology Adoption

Context: The extension of the Digital Health Incentives Scheme (DHIS) by the National Health Authority (NHA) signifies India\’s proactive approach to integrating healthcare technology.


Scheme Highlights:

  1. DHIS offers financial incentives to medical facilities and digital health solution providers for adopting and implementing digital health technologies.
  2. The initiative aims to facilitate the creation and linkage of digital health records with Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) numbers.


Benefits and Significance:

  1. Modernizing Healthcare: DHIS promotes the incorporation of technology in healthcare, enhancing patient care and management.
  2. Patient Empowerment: Linked health records empower patients to access their health information and make informed decisions.


Bhu-Vision: Revolutionizing Soil Testing and Agronomy

Context: The introduction of Bhu-Vision, an IoT-based soil testing and agronomy advisory platform, marks a significant stride in India\’s agricultural technology landscape.


Platform Features:

  1. Bhu-Vision employs IoT technology to swiftly conduct 12 soil parameter tests in just 30 minutes, improving speed and accuracy.
  2. The platform delivers accurate soil health information, enabling farmers to optimize crop management and enhance agricultural productivity.


Impact on Agriculture and Sustainability:

  1. Bhu-Vision aids in creating a comprehensive soil health map, guiding sustainable agricultural practices.
  2. The platform facilitates precision farming, resource optimization, and data-driven decision-making for improved agricultural sustainability.


Himalayan Vulture Conservation and Ketoprofen/Aceclofenac Ban

  1. Assam State Zoo achieves breakthrough in breeding elusive Himalayan vulture in captivity.
  2. Vulture\’s significance in cleaning carrion, maintaining ecosystem balance.
  3. Ban on ketoprofen and aceclofenac for vulture conservation, as they cause kidney failure in vultures.
  4. Ketoprofen and aceclofenac used as NSAIDs for treating pain and inflammation in animals.
  5. Significant role of vultures in preventing disease spread and ecosystem health.


Excess Cane Payments: Resolving Tax Disputes for Sugar Mills

  1. Cooperative sugar mills allowed to claim excess cane payments as \”business expenditure.\”
  2. Sugarcane major crop in India, especially in states like Maharashtra, UP, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
  3. Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) set by the government for sugarcane.
  4. Some mills pay excess cane payment as incentive, leading to tax disputes.
  5. Government amendments in Finance Act and Income Tax Act resolve the issue.
  6. Expected relief of around Rs 10,000 crore to cooperative sugar mills.


Nuclear Signalling: New Guardrails for Nuclear Tensions

  1. Conflict in Ukraine sparks concerns about traditional nuclear escalation strategies.
  2. Nuclear deterrence and taboo shaped by uniqueness and destructive power of nuclear weapons.
  3. Cold War lessons may no longer suffice in current geopolitical landscape.


Current Nuclear Landscape:

  1. Russia\’s nuclear doctrine allows for use in response to attacks or aggression.
  2. Need for new guardrails to prevent inadvertent escalation.


Responses and Hope:

  1. NATO emphasizes conventional retaliation as preferred option.
  2. China\’s President opposes nuclear weapon use or threats.



  1. World must preserve nuclear taboo to prevent devastation.
  2. Clearer guidelines and communication needed to prevent nuclear escalation


5% of Birds in India are Endemic: Celebrating Biodiversity

Context: The Zoological Survey of India\’s publication titled \”75 Endemic Birds of India\” highlights the remarkable biodiversity of India, revealing that 5% of the country\’s bird species are endemic.


Distinctive Features:

  1. The publication showcases that out of India\’s total bird species, 78 species (5%) are exclusive to the nation, reflecting diverse ecosystems and habitats.
  2. The Western Ghats and Andaman-Nicobar Islands emerge as critical hotspots for endemic bird species.


Conservation and Insights:

  1. This insight into endemic species emphasizes the importance of targeted conservation efforts to protect these unique avian populations.
  2. The publication provides a comprehensive view of India\’s avian diversity and underscores the need for biodiversity preservation.


Israeli Spike Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) Anti-Tank Guided Missiles: Elevating Defense Capabilities

Context: The Indian Air Force\’s (IAF) strategic advancement involves the acquisition of Israeli Spike NLOS anti-tank guided missiles, signifying a substantial leap in defense capabilities.


Key Advantages:

  1. Cutting-Edge Technology: These advanced missiles incorporate cutting-edge electro-optical and fiber-optic technologies for precise targeting.
  2. Extended Range: With a range of up to 30 kilometers, these missiles provide the IAF with a powerful tool to engage distant and concealed targets.
  3. Integration: Integration of Spike NLOS missiles with Mi-17V5 helicopters enhances operational versatility, especially in challenging terrains and border regions.


Significance and Implications:

  1. Strengthening defense capabilities underscores India\’s commitment to national security and preparedness.
  2. The acquisition exemplifies the synergy between domestic production and strategic foreign acquisitions, vital in addressing evolving security challenges.


Assam’s Manas Tiger Reserve: Overcoming Staffing Challenges for Tiger Conservation

Context: Assam\’s Manas Tiger Reserve, known for its rich biodiversity and tiger population, is currently grappling with a significant hurdle – nearly 63% of its essential staff positions remain unfilled. This situation arises during a crucial transition phase for the reserve, with a shift from being a low-tiger-density area to becoming a high-tiger-density region.


Challenges Faced:

  1. Staff Shortage: The reserve is facing a severe shortage of staff, which hampers effective management and protection efforts, including anti-poaching measures and habitat conservation.
  2. Transition Impact: As the region transitions to a higher tiger density, the absence of adequate personnel may lead to increased human-tiger conflicts and habitat degradation.


Ecological Diversity and Impact:

  1. Manas Tiger Reserve boasts diverse ecosystems, including semi-evergreen forests, deciduous forests, grasslands, and swamp forests, supporting unique flora and fauna.
  2. The staffing challenge could undermine conservation efforts, endangering the tiger population and overall ecological health.


Einstein Cross: Illuminating the Fascinating Phenomenon of Gravitational Lensing

Context: Astronomers\’ recent discovery of the Einstein cross provides a unique insight into the gravitational lensing phenomenon.


Gravitational Lensing Explained:

  1. The Einstein cross exemplifies Albert Einstein\’s theory of general relativity, demonstrating how massive objects bend light as it passes through their gravitational fields.


Astronomical Observation:

  1. The foreground elliptical galaxy distorts and splits light from a distant background galaxy, forming a distinctive pattern of four smudges around the foreground galaxy\’s glow.


Scientific Significance:

  1. Validation of Theory: The Einstein cross observation substantiates Einstein\’s theory and its predictions on light bending by massive objects.
  2. Studying Distant Objects: Gravitational lensing enables the study of distant celestial objects, contributing to a deeper understanding of the universe.


Chandrayaan-3 Lunar Mission

  1. India\’s third lunar mission, aimed at a soft landing on the moon\’s surface
  2. Entered lunar orbit 23 days after departure from Earth
  3. Launched on July 14, 2023, to explore the moon\’s surface


Orbital Manoeuvre Explained:

  1. Utilizing propulsion systems to change a spacecraft\’s orbit, commonly known as a burn.
  2. For distant spacecraft like those around the Sun, it\’s termed a deep-space manoeuvre (DSM).
  3. Transition phase during transfer orbits is called coasting.


Various Orbital Transfer Techniques:

  1. Hohmann Transfer Orbit: Transition between circular orbits at different altitudes in the same plane.
  2. Bi-Elliptic Transfer: Utilizes two half-elliptic orbits, potentially requiring less delta-v.
  3. Low Energy Transfer: Energy-efficient trajectory using minimal fuel.
  4. Orbital Inclination Change: Altering orbit inclination at orbital nodes, usually avoided due to high delta-v.
  5. Constant-Thrust Trajectory: Prolonged engine burn with constant thrust, allowing high acceleration over time.


Digital Portal for Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS): Promoting Cooperative Sector Efficiency


  1. Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the CRCS digital portal in Pune, Maharashtra.
  2. Aiming to enhance ease of doing business and streamline processes in the cooperative sector.



  1. Implement paperless applications with automatic compliance to the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act (MSCS Act).
  2. Facilitate digital communication, enhance transparency, and improve decision-making through analytics.


Key Features of the Digital Portal:

  1. Encompasses modules like registration, amendment of bye-laws, annual return filing, appeal, audit, and more.
  2. Integrates recent changes to the MSCS Act, ensuring compliance with the latest legal framework.
  3. Accelerates application processing through an electronic workflow for timely governance.
  4. Secure OTP-based user registration and validation checks for data protection and adherence to regulations.


BharatNet: Expanding Connectivity for Remote Regions


  1. Union Cabinet approved ₹1,39,579 crore for the upcoming phase of Bharat Net, aiming to extend 5G connectivity to remote areas.
  2. Targets 6.4 lakh villages within two years, employing a ring topology system for expansion.


Pilot Project Achievements:

  1. Covered 60,000 villages in four districts in eight months, resulting in around 5.67 lakh active household connections.
  2. Small private companies serve as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) under a 50-50 revenue sharing model.


Expansion and Future Plans:

  1. Aims to launch Bharat Net formally, offering packages priced at ₹399, ₹599, and ₹799, with online payment options.
  2. Government investment of approximately $8.5 billion to provide fast broadband internet connectivity to all six lakh villages.


75 Endemic Birds of India: Celebrating Avian Biodiversity


  1. Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) unveiled \”75 Endemic Birds of India\” publication, showcasing the unique biodiversity of Indian birds.


India\’s Avian Diversity:

  1. India houses 1,353 bird species, with 78 (5%) being endemic, found exclusively within the country.
  2. Western Ghats, Andaman-Nicobar Islands, and Eastern Himalayas are critical hotspots for endemic bird species.


Conservation and Significance:

  1. Publication emphasizes the importance of targeted conservation efforts for endemic species.
  2. Provides insights into each species\’ traits, habitats, breeding habits, and more to inform conservation decisions.


Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

  1. UK government\’s commitment to CCS as a key strategy for achieving net-zero emissions
  2. Point-source CCS and direct air capture
  3. Steps involve capture, compression, transportation, and injection into storage sites
  4. Applications include mineralization, synthetic fuels, agriculture, and dry ice production


Perucetus Colossus (Ancient Giant Whale)

  1. Recently identified ancient whale species
  2. Estimated skeletal mass exceeds any known mammal or aquatic vertebrate
  3. Found in Southern Peru, 39 million years old, with estimated mass up to 340 tonnes and 20 meters in length
  4. Suggests gigantism\’s origin in marine mammals may be earlier than thought


Orbit Reduction Manoeuvre (ORM): Advancing Chandrayaan-3\’s Lunar Mission


  1. ISRO\’s Chandrayaan-3 executed a successful orbit reduction manoeuvre following lunar orbit insertion.
  2. Multiple moon-bound manoeuvres and detachment of the lander and rover are scheduled by August 17.
  3. De-orbiting manoeuvres will pave the way for a soft landing on August 23.


9th National Handloom Day

  1. Observed on August 7 to promote and recognize handloom weavers\’ skills
  2. Honors the Swadeshi Movement\’s historical significance
  3. Theme for 2023: \”Handlooms for Sustainable Fashion.\”








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