
Indian Handloom Sector: Opportunities and Challenges | UPSC

Introduction The Indian handloom industry is the oldest and largest industry in the world, with a history of thousands of years. Handloom production is now the country’s second largest job-creating sector after agriculture, employing more than 65 lakh people. However, despite outstanding craftsmanship that demonstrates Indian culture, the industry faces several issues. While the Indian […]

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RBI’s Record Surplus Transfer: Opportunities and Challenges | UPSC

Introduction The Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently approved a significant Record Surplus Transfer of Rs. 2.11 lakh crore to the Central Government for the accounting year 2023-24. This amount represents a substantial increase of 141% compared to the previous year’s (2022-23) transfer of Rs. 87,416 crore. How does the RBI

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