28 Jun | UPSC Current Affairs: ULLAS-Nav Bharat, CCTNS, Bannerghatta Park and More


ULLAS-Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram

  • News: Ladakh has achieved a 97% literacy rate following the implementation of the ULLAS – Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram scheme, making it a fully “functionally literate” administrative unit.
  • Understanding Lifelong Learning for All in Society (ULLAS) -Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram
  • Definition: It is a centrally sponsored initiative running from 2022 to 2027. It is aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
  • Objective: To empower adults aged 15 and above from all backgrounds who missed out on formal schooling, helping them integrate into society and contribute to the nation’s development.
  • Components: 
      • Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
      • Critical Life Skills
      • Basic Education
      • Vocational Skills
      • Continuing Education

ULLAS-Nav Bharat Saaksharta Karyakram

  • ULLAS App: Facilitates the registration of learners and volunteers through self-registration or by surveyors.
  • Digital Gateway: Provides access to a variety of learning resources via the DIKSHA portal of NCERT.
  • DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing):
      • DIKSHA is the platform for providing quality e-content for school education in States/UTs.
      • It is an initiative of National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), under the aegis of the Ministry of Education.
      • DIKSHA is built on open source technology, made in India and made for India,
      • The core building blocks of DIKSHA comprise the majority of NDEAR building blocks, energized textbooks, online courses, content authoring, content sourcing, interactive quizzes, question banks, chatbot, analytics and dashboard.


      • To support teaching and learning for Children With Special Needs (CWSN), DIKSHA offers a wide range of resources, including audiobooks, Indian Sign Language (ISL) videos, and a dictionary. 

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Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS)

  • News:  Ahead of the implementation of the new criminal laws on July 1, at least 23 modifications have been made to the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems.
  • Conceptualization and Implementation:
      • CCTNS was conceptualized by the Ministry of Home Affairs under the National e-governance plan of India.
      • Implemented as a “Mission Mode Project (MMP)” since 2009.
  • Aim:
      • To establish a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing at the police station level throughout the country.
  • Key Features: 
      • Interlinking Police Stations: All police stations are interconnected under a common application software for investigation, data analytics, research, policymaking, and providing citizen services such as:
      • Reporting and tracking complaints
      • Requests for antecedent verifications by police
      • Accessibility: Crime and criminal records from one police station are accessible to any other police office.
  • Objectives: 
      • Citizen-Friendly and Transparent Policing: Automate the functioning of police stations to make police work more citizen-friendly and transparent.
      • Enhanced Service Delivery: Improve citizen-centric services through effective use of ICT.
      • Support for Investigating Officers: Provide tools, technology, and information to facilitate crime investigation and criminal detection.
      • Improved Police Functioning: Enhance police performance in areas such as law and order, traffic management, etc.
      • Information Sharing: Facilitate interaction and information sharing among police stations, districts, state/UT headquarters, and other police agencies.
      • Management Support: Assist senior police officers in better management of the police force.
      • Case Progress Tracking: Keep track of case progress, including court proceedings.
      • Record-Keeping: Reduce manual and redundant record-keeping.
  • Implementation: 
      • The project is implemented through close collaboration between the states and the Union Government.
  • Nodal Agency: The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is the central nodal agency managing CCTNS.
  • What is an FIR?
      • The information given to a Police Officer and reduced to writing is known as the “First Information,” and the corresponding report is understood to mean the “First Information Report (FIR).”
      • The term “First Information Report (FIR)” is not defined in the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), 1973, or any other law. 
      • However, in police regulations or rules, the information recorded under Section 154 of the CrPC is known as the First Information Report (FIR).
      •  It is the information given to a police officer in writing as per the provisions of Section 154 of the CrPC.


Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP)

  • News:  South India’s first and India’s largest leopard safari was inaugurated at the Bannerghatta Biological Park by Environment Minister Eshwar Khandre recently.
  • History: Initially part of Bannerghatta National Park, BBP became an independent entity in 2002.
  • Purpose and Expansion: To cater to the increasing interest in eco-recreation, eco-tourism, and conservation, 545 hectares of forest were initially designated for the park, later expanding to 731.88 hectares.
  • Location: Approximately 22 km south of Bengaluru city, Karnataka.
  • Facilities: The park has a Zoo, Safari, Butterfly Park, and Rescue Centre for the conservation of captive animals.
  • Notable Feature: It is the first biological park in India to have a fenced, forested elephant sanctuary.

Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP)

  • Key Facts about Bannerghatta National Park: 
  • Geographical Location: Situated near Bangalore, Karnataka, in the Anekal range hills.
  • Establishment: Declared a National Park in 1974.
  • Unique Attractions: Home to India’s first butterfly enclosure, inaugurated in 2006.
  • Water Source: The Suvarnamukhi stream, providing essential water to the park’s wildlife, flows through its center.
  • Vegetation Types:
      • Dry Deciduous Scrub Forests
      • Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests
      • Southern Tropical Moist Mixed Forests
  • Flora: The park boasts diverse plant species such as Narcissus latifolia, Schleichera oleosa, Sandalwood, Neem, Tamarind, Bamboo, and Eucalyptus.
  • Fauna: It serves as a vital habitat for endangered Asian Elephant, Indian gaur, Tiger, Sambar deer, Spotted deer,Leopard, Wild dog, Wild pig, Sloth bear, Common mongoose, Pangolin, Slender loris, Black-naped hare. 
  • Additional Activities at BBP: The Minister also named a male elephant calf Swaraj and set free six hamadryas baboons for public display.
      • Hamadryas Baboon: 
      • Species: The hamadryas baboon is a member of the Old World monkey family.
      • Geographic Range: It is the northernmost species of baboon, native to the Horn of Africa and the southwestern region of the Arabian Peninsula.

Hamadryas Baboon

      • Habitat Advantage: These regions provide habitats with fewer natural predators compared to central or southern Africa, where other baboon species are found.
      • Cultural Significance: In ancient Egypt, the hamadryas baboon was considered a sacred animal and featured prominently in various roles within ancient Egyptian religion. This reverence led to its alternative name, the ‘sacred baboon’.

Biomass Briquettes

  • News:  An important innovation in the supply chain is the use of biomass briquettes as an alternative fuel for power and electricity generation.
  • Biomass Briquettes: 
  • Composition: Biomass briquettes are compact blocks made from organic materials such as agricultural residues, forestry wastes, or industrial by-products.
  • Applications: 
  • Uses: Commonly used for heating, cooking fuel, and electricity generation, especially in developing countries that lack access to traditional fuel sources.

Biomass Briquettes

  • Advantages: 
  • Environmentally Friendly: Made from readily available biomass waste, often found in rural areas.
  • Affordability: Can be produced by hand from any available organic matter, including invasive species and agro-waste.
  • Carbon-Neutral: When burned, they release no additional carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction: Reduces reliance on fossil fuels, helping to lower greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
  • Waste Management: Diverts residues towards productive use, aiding in waste management and carbon sequestration, thereby enhancing their environmental benefits.

Mainland Serow

  • News: The first photographic evidence of the Mainland Serow has been documented in Assam’s Raimona National Park by forest officials.
  • Description: The mainland serow is a mammal resembling a cross between a goat and an antelope. It inhabits areas at altitudes ranging from 200 meters to 3,000 meters.
  • Habitat: This species of serow is native to the Himalayas, Southeast Asia, and China, with Bhutan being its natural home.
      • Found in the Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary and the Royal Manas National Park in Bhutan.

Mainland Serow

  • Characteristics:
      • Size: Around three feet high at the shoulder; typically weighs around 200 lbs.
      • Coat: Possesses bristly or coarse guard hairs covering the fur closest to its skin.
      • Horns: Present only in males, light-colored, approximately six inches in length, curving slightly towards the animal’s back.
      • Behaviour: The mainland serow is territorial, living alone or in small groups. Females give birth to a single young after a gestation period of about eight months.
  • Conservation Status:
      • IUCN Status: Vulnerable
      • CITES: Appendix I

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Space MAITRI Mission

  • News:  The Australian government recently signed an $18 million memorandum of understanding with NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), the commercial arm of ISRO, under the space MAITRI mission.
  • Space MAITRI Mission Overview: 
      • Space MAITRI (Mission for Australia-India’s Technology, Research, and Innovation) marks a significant advancement in the strategic partnership between India and Australia in the space sector.
  • Key Objectives:
      • Foster closer ties between commercial, institutional, and governmental space organizations from both nations.
      • Focus on debris management and sustainability, promoting responsible space operations and mitigating the growing threat of space debris.
  • Key Agreements:
      • NewSpace India Limited will launch Australia’s Space Machines Company’s second Optimus spacecraft in 2026.
      • The 450kg Optimus spacecraft, the largest Australian-designed and built spacecraft to date, will be launched on ISRO’s Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV).
  • Key Facts About NewSpace India Limited
      • Affiliation: NewSpace India Limited (NSIL) is a commercial arm under the Department of Space (DoS), Government of India.
      • Establishment: Incorporated in March 2019, NSIL was set up to undertake high technology space-related activities in India.
      • Role in Space Policy: Under the new space policy reforms announced by the Government of India in June 2020, NSIL is tasked with undertaking operational satellite missions on a “demand-driven” model.
      • Responsibilities: NSIL is responsible for building, launching, owning, and operating satellites, as well as providing services to customers.
      • Headquarters: NSIL is headquartered in Bengaluru.

TAPAS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

  • News:  In a major boost to enhancing indigenous unmanned surveillance capabilities of defence forces, the Indian Air Force has made a proposal to the central government to buy 10 Tapas drones.
  • Tapas BH-201 Overview: 
      • The Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance Beyond Horizon-201 (Tapas BH-201) is a medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) drone. 
      • Previously referred to as Rustom-II, it was developed indigenously by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • Purpose:
      • Designed to fulfill the Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Tracking & Reconnaissance (ISTAR) requirements of the tri-services.

TAPAS Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

  • Features:
      • Operating Altitude: 30,000 feet
      • Endurance: 24 hours
      • Range: 250 km
      • Payload Capacity: Up to 350 kg
      • Wingspan: 20.6 meters
      • Maximum Speed: 225 kmph
  • Capabilities:
      • Capable of effective operation both day and night.
      • Can be controlled remotely and execute pre-programmed flight plans autonomously with precision and flexibility.
      • Equipped with enhanced aerodynamic configuration, digital flight control, navigation system, communication intelligence, medium and long-range electro-optic payloads, and synthetic aperture radar enabling visibility through clouds.

Kalibr Missile

  • News: A Russian submarine in the Sea of Japan has hit a land target over 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) away with a Kalibr cruise missile in a drill. 
  • Kalibr Missile Overview
      • The Kalibr missile is a family of Russian cruise missiles developed and produced by Russia’s Almaz-Antey corporation.
      •  It is versatile, capable of being launched from ships, submarines, containers, airplanes, or transport erector launchers, and serves multiple military purposes including anti-ship, anti-submarine, and land attack roles.
  • Features:
      • Variants: Designed for anti-ship, anti-submarine, and land attack purposes.
      • Developer: Developed and produced by Russia’s Almaz-Antey corporation.

Kalibr Missile

  • Specifications:
      • Mass and Length: Varies from 1,300 kg to 2,300 kg and from 6.2 m to 8.9 m, respectively, depending on the variant.
      • Diameter: 0.533 m
      • Warhead: Can carry a warhead weighing between 400-500 kg of high explosive or thermonuclear material.
      • Propulsion: Utilizes a multi-stage solid-fuel rocket engine; some versions may include a turbojet engine or additional solid-fuel rockets.
      • Guidance: Uses inertial guidance with satellite navigation update.
      • Speed: Capable of accelerating to supersonic speeds in the terminal stage to evade enemy defenses.
      • Range: Range varies between 200 km and 2,500 km, depending on the specific variant and type of Kalibr missile deployed.


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