Mains Articles

Climate Engineering and Solar Geoengineering: Types, Techniques and Challenges | UPSC

Introduction: The historic Paris climate agreement aims to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.8 Fahrenheit) compared with pre-industrial times. However, the recent Emissions Gap Report warned the world would breach the warming mark of 2 degrees Celsius over the preindustrial era, even if the existing nationally determined contributions are delivered by 2030. One […]

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Coral Reefs: Types, Formation, Threats and Significance | UPSC

Introduction Coral reefs are among the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on the planet, providing habitats for a vast array of marine life and offering numerous benefits to humans. However, these delicate ecosystems face a myriad of threats that endanger their existence. Understanding the types, formation, threats, and significance of coral reefs is crucial for

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Inflation: Concept, Types and Measurement | UPSC

Introduction: Context: The Reserve Bank of India has cautioned that extreme weather events associated with climate change could pose a risk to inflation and other policies of the RBI. Analysis What is inflation? Inflation is the rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises persistently over a period of time. This, in turn,

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Naxalite Movement in India: Causes and Solutions | UPSC

Naxalite Movement in India: Causes and Solutions Introduction India’s remarkable economic development in the last 30 years has earned it the rank of the fastest growing democracy in the world. However, three major issues in the country have threatened its advancement on the international scene, its development and its national unity. These are: the Jammu

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Dubai Rainfall, Climate Change and Cloud Seeding | UPSC

Dubai Rainfall, Climate Change and Cloud Seeding | UPSC Introduction Dubai has been hit by record floods over the past 24 hours, sparking misleading speculation about cloud seeding. So how unusual was the rainfall and what were the reasons behind the extreme downpours? Causes of exceptional rainfall in Dubai Experts and officials have debunked the

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Origin and Mandate | UPSC

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Origin and Mandate | UPSC Context: Sweden has become the 32nd member of NATO – the U.S.-led defence alliance. The move to join the security alliance was precipitated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Analysis After Finland joined last year, Sweden’s membership means all the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea,

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Origin and Mandate | UPSC Read More »

Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands : Location, History and Significance | UPSC

Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Location, History and Significance | UPSC Introduction The realisation of the critical importance of ocean power, and the rapid enhancement in the capabilities of the Chinese People Liberation Army (PLA) Navy have brought a degree of seriousness to the imperative of developing Indian island territories in general, and the Andaman and

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Fifth Schedule Vs Sixth Schedule | UPSC

Fifth and Sixth Schedules: A Comparison | UPSC Context: The people of Ladakh are demanding the inclusion of the Union Territory under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. The Sixth Schedule of India’s Constitution protects tribal populations and provides autonomy to communities to frame laws on land, public health, agriculture, etc. Analysis Background According to

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