UPSC Exam Centre List 2025 Prelims & Mains

Explore the UPSC 2025 Exam Centre List for Prelims & Mains across 80+ cities. Choose your preferred center, apply early, and secure your spot for a smooth exam.

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UPSC Exam Centre List 2025 Prelims & Mains

UPSC 2025 Exam Centres for Prelims and Mains are spread across various cities in India and abroad. For the Prelims, candidates can choose from around 80 cities, including major ones like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Mains Exam offers over 24 options. The list of exam centres is published in the official UPSC notification, which is updated annually.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the exams following government rules, ensuring a fair and transparent process. A complete list of UPSC Exam Centers for 2025 is available, including details about the states, cities, and regions covered, to help aspirants easily find the information they need.

UPSC Exam Center List 2025

UPSC released the Civil Services Exam notification 2025 on January 22, 2025. The notification provides important information, including the exam dates, centers, eligibility rules, and other guidelines.

Applicants need to select their preferred exam center while applying, from January 22 to February 11, 2025. Since centers are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis, applying early increases the chance of getting your chosen location.

UPSC Exam Centers Overview
Feature Details
Exam Name UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2025
Conducting Body Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Total Exam Centers 80 Cities Across India
Choice of Centers First-Apply-First Allot Basis (Based on availability at the time of registration)
Official Website

UPSC Prelims Exam Centre List 2025

UPSC Prelims, being the first stage of the selection process, attracts a large number of applicants. To accommodate this, exam centers are established in both urban and semi-urban areas, easing travel difficulties for candidates.

Below is a list of cities where the UPSC Prelims 2025 will be conducted. This list mirrors previous years and includes key cities across India to ensure convenience for candidates.

UPSC Prelims Exam Centre List:

Sl. No. Centre Sl. No. Centre Sl. No. Centre
1. Agartala 28. Gorakhpur 55. Panaji
2 Agra 29. Gurugram 56. Patna
3. Ahmedabad 30. Gwalior 57. Port Blair
4. Aizawl 31. Hyderabad 58. Prayagraj
5. Ajmer 32. Imphal 59. Puducherry
6. Aligarh 33. Indore 60. Pune
7. Almora 34. Itanagar 61. Raipur
8. Ananthapuru 35. Jabalpur 62. Rajkot
9. Chhatrapati sambhaji Nagar 36. Jaipur 63. Ranchi
10. Bareilly 37. Jammu 64. Sambalpur
11. Bengaluru 38. Jodhpur 65. Shillong
12. Bhopal 39. Jorhat 66. Shimla
13. Bilaspur 40. Kargil 67. Siliguri
14. Chandigarh 41. Kochi 68. Srinagar
15. Chennai 42. Kohima 69. Srinagar (Uttarakhand)
16. Coimbatore 43. Kolkata 70. Surat
17. Cuttack 44. Kozhikode 71. Thane
18. Dehradun 45. Leh 72. Thiruvananthapuram
19. Delhi 46. Lucknow 73. Tiruchirapalli
20. Dharamshala (HP) 47. Ludhiana 74. Tirupati
21. Dharwar 48. Madurai 75. Udaipur
22. Dispur 49. Mandi (HP) 76. Varanasi
23. Faridabad 50. Mumbai 77. Vellore
24. Gangtok 51. Mysuru 78. Vijayawada
25. Gautam Buddha Nagar 52. Nagpur 79. Visakhapatnam
26. Gaya 53. Nasik 80. Warangal
27. Ghaziabad 54. Navi Mumbai

UPSC Mains Exam Centre List 2025

UPSC Mains sees fewer candidates compared to Prelims, but the number is still significant and requires careful management to ensure smooth conduct of the exam. To facilitate this, exam centers are set up in both major cities and select semi-urban areas, reducing travel hassles for applicants.

Below is a list of cities where the UPSC Mains 2025 will be held. This list is consistent with previous years and covers prominent cities across India to provide convenience and accessibility for candidates. This ensures that candidates from diverse regions have a fair and manageable experience during the examination.

UPSC Mains Exam Centre List:

Sl. No. Centre Sl. No. Centre Sl. No. Centre
1. Ahmedabad 9. Delhi 17. Patna
2. Aizawl 10. Dispur 18. Prayagraj
3. Bengaluru 11. Hyderabad 19. Raipur
4. Bhopal 12. Jaipur 20. Ranchi
5. Chandigarh 13. Jammu 21. Shillong
6. Chennai 14. Kolkata 22. Shimla
7. Cuttack 15. Lucknow 23. Thiruvananthapuram
8. Dehradun 16. Mumbai 24. Vijayawada

The cities mentioned above are selected to host candidates taking the descriptive mains exam, which includes nine papers held over several days. These exam centers are usually well-equipped and located in convenient areas within the cities.

How to Check UPSC Exam Centre

To ensure a smooth exam experience, it’s essential to locate your UPSC Exam Centre accurately. Here’s how you can easily find the details:

  1. Log in to the official UPSC portal using your registration ID and password.
  2. Go to the “Admit Card” section to view your exam center information.
  3. Check the address and instructions for your Prelims or Mains exam center.
  4. Plan your travel route in advance to reach the center on time without hassle.

You can also refer to the lists provided above for separate details of Prelims and Mains centers. This clear division helps you identify your test center for each stage, making travel and preparation easier. Review both lists carefully to avoid any last-minute confusion!

Instructions for UPSC Examination Day

  1. Admit Card: Ensure you carry your UPSC Admit Card to the examination venue. It must be shown at the entrance for verification.
  2. Arrive Early: Reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time to avoid last-minute rush and to complete formalities like identity verification and seat allocation.
  3. Identity Verification: Be prepared for biometric and identity verification, which includes fingerprinting, photography, and signature recording.
  4. Prohibited Items: Do not bring any prohibited items to the exam center, such as electronic devices (phones, calculators, etc.), books, notes, or any unfair means.
  5. Seating Arrangement: Follow the instructions on your admit card regarding seat allocation. Do not change your seat or location without permission.
  6. Dress Code: Follow any specific dress code guidelines issued by UPSC. In some cases, candidates may be asked to wear simple clothing and avoid wearing shoes with thick soles or heels.
  7. Attendance Sheet: Sign the attendance sheet at the exam center as required. This will be done for record-keeping and to verify your presence.
  8. No Communication: Maintain silence and do not engage in any communication with fellow candidates once inside the exam hall.
  9. Emergency Situations: If you face any medical emergency or other issues during the exam, inform the invigilator immediately.
  10. Follow Instructions: Listen to the invigilator’s instructions carefully and follow all directions regarding exam procedures.

Can Candidates Change Their Examination Center?

Yes, you can change your exam center after submitting your application, but it depends on the rules the exam authority sets. Usually, there’s a specific time after the application deadline when you can make changes, including updating your exam center. Check the official website or notice for detailed instructions and deadlines.

How to Choose UPSC Exam Center in 2025

When filling out the UPSC exam application for 2025, candidates will be asked to choose their preferred exam centers in India. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to the UPSC Website: Go to the official UPSC website and open the application form for the Civil Services Exam.
  2. Choose Prelims and Mains Centers: Select a center for both the Prelims and Mains exams. Pick a city that is convenient for you for each stage.
  3. Select Top Preferences: You may need to choose your top 3 exam center preferences. This is especially important for the Prelims, as some centers may fill up quickly.
  4. Submit Early: Since centers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, it’s best to submit your form early to improve your chances of getting your preferred center.
  5. Confirmation: After submitting, keep checking for updates from UPSC. The final center allocation will be listed on your e-admit card.

How to Check your UPSC Exam Center

To check your UPSC exam center, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Official UPSC Website: Go to the official UPSC website at
  2. Find the Admit Card Section: Under the “What’s New” section, look for the link related to downloading the UPSC admit card (for Prelims or Mains, depending on your exam stage).
  3. Download the Admit Card: Click on the admit card link, enter your registration details like application number and date of birth, and download the admit card.
  4. Check the Exam Center Details: Your UPSC exam center will be mentioned on the admit card, including the address and city where your exam will be conducted.
  5. Verify Center Information: Double-check the center details on the admit card to avoid confusion on the exam day.

UPSC Exam Centre FAQs

Yes, the list of exam centres for UPSC Prelims includes more cities, while the list for UPSC Mains is shorter and includes only certain cities.

Yes, you can change your exam center within a specific time period after submitting your application.

UPSC exam centers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on your preferences when applying.

When choosing your UPSC exam center, consider factors like how close it is, how easy it is to get to, and how familiar you are with the area.

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