Qualifying Marks for UPSC Prelims 2025

Get detailed information about UPSC qualifying marks 2025, qualifying criteria, cut off marks, CSAT qualifying marks for different categories.

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The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination (CSE) is one of the most competitive exams in India. Every year, lakhs of candidates appear for the Preliminary Examination, commonly known as UPSC Prelims. Clearing this stage is the first step towards becoming a civil servant. In this article, we will discuss the qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims, including category-wise cut-offs, trends, and criteria for 2025.

Qualifying Marks for UPSC Prelims Explained

The qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims refer to the minimum scores required to advance to the Mains Examination. The Prelims consist of two papers:

  1. General Studies Paper-I (GS-I): This paper determines whether you clear the cut-off marks.
  2. General Studies Paper-II (CSAT): This is qualifying in nature, and candidates must score at least 33% (66 out of 200 marks).

The UPSC Prelims qualifying marks 2025 will follow these established norms unless stated otherwise by the commission.

UPSC Prelims Cut Off Last 5 Years (Category-Wise)

Year General OBC SC ST EWS
2019 98.0 95.3 82.0 77.3 90.0
2020 92.5 89.1 74.8 68.7 87.5
2021 87.5 84.9 75.4 70.7 80.1
2022 88.2 85.4 74.0 69.4 80.8
2023 75.41 74.75 59.25 47.82 68.02

Factors Influencing UPSC Prelims Cut-Off Marks

The cut-off marks for UPSC Prelims depend on various factors:

  • Number of Candidates Appearing: Higher participation often leads to increased competition.
  • Vacancies Announced: Fewer vacancies typically result in higher cut-offs.
  • Difficulty Level: Tougher papers may lower the cut-off, while easier papers can increase it.
  • Performance of Candidates: A better overall performance raises the bar for qualifying.

UPSC Prelims Qualifying Criteria

The qualifying criteria for UPSC Prelims require candidates to meet two conditions:

  1. Secure the minimum qualifying marks in CSAT (General Studies Paper-II).
  2. Score above the cut-off marks in General Studies Paper-I.

The UPSC Prelims GS qualifying marks and CSAT qualifying marks are non-negotiable. Failure to meet these benchmarks results in disqualification, regardless of total marks.

Qualifying Marks for UPSC CSAT 

Since the paper is qualifying in nature, the candidates must score at least 33% (66 out of 200 marks). There are a total of 80 questions making each question worth 2.5 marks with a penalty of 0.84 marks for each wrong answer.

Expected Qualifying Marks for UPSC Prelims Category-Wise

The UPSC announces category-specific cut-offs for the Prelims. Let’s break down the expected category-wise qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims 2025 based on trends:

General Category

  • The UPSC Prelims general category cut-off usually ranges between 90 and 105 marks. This varies depending on the difficulty level of the exam.

Other Backward Classes (OBC)

  • The UPSC Prelims cut-off for OBC candidates is typically 2-5 marks lower than the general category. For instance, if the general cut-off is 100, the OBC cut-off might be around 95-98 marks.

Scheduled Castes (SC)

  • The cut-off for SC candidates generally ranges between 75 and 90 marks.

Scheduled Tribes (ST)

  • For ST candidates, the cut-off tends to be slightly lower, usually between 70 and 85 marks.

These estimates are based on previous years and could change for UPSC Prelims qualifying marks 2025.

Historical Trends in UPSC Prelims Cut-Off Marks

Understanding UPSC Prelims cut-off trends helps candidates set realistic preparation goals. Here’s a brief overview:

  • 2019: The general category cut-off was 98 marks, while OBC, SC, and ST cut-offs were 95.34, 82, and 77.34 marks, respectively.
  • 2020: The general category cut-off dropped to 92.51 marks, reflecting a relatively tougher paper.
  • 2021: The general cut-off stood at 87.54 marks.
  • 2022: The cut-off for the general category was 88.22 marks.

These figures indicate that UPSC Prelims cut-off trends fluctuate based on the factors mentioned earlier.

Minimum Qualifying Marks for UPSC Prelims 2025

Candidates often ask about the UPSC Prelims minimum qualifying marks for both papers. Let’s clarify:

  1. CSAT (General Studies Paper-II):
    • Candidates must score at least 33% (66 out of 200 marks).
    • This applies universally, regardless of category.
  2. General Studies Paper-I:
    • The cut-off varies yearly and across categories.
    • For UPSC Prelims qualifying marks 2025, expect cut-offs similar to recent years unless significant changes occur.

UPSC Prelims Qualifying Marks 2025 Tips

To clear the UPSC Prelims cut-off marks, follow these strategies:

  1. Focus on Syllabus Coverage: Cover all topics outlined in the syllabus for General Studies Paper-I and CSAT.
  2. Practice Mock Tests: Solve previous years’ papers and high-quality mock tests to gauge your preparation.
  3. Time Management: Allocate time effectively during the exam to maximize your score.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep track of current affairs as they form a significant portion of GS-I.
  5. Strengthen Weak Areas: Identify and improve on topics where your performance lags.

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Qualifying Marks for UPSC Prelims FAQs

  1. What are the qualifying marks for UPSC Prelims 2025?
    The qualifying marks for General Studies Paper-I will depend on the cut-off set by UPSC, while candidates must score at least 33% (66 out of 200) in CSAT (Paper-II) to qualify.
  2. How are the UPSC Prelims cut-off marks decided?
    The cut-off is based on factors like the number of candidates, vacancies, exam difficulty, and overall performance.
  3. What is the expected cut-off for the general category in UPSC Prelims 2025?
    The expected cut-off for the general category ranges between 90 and 105 marks, depending on the exam’s difficulty.
  4. Are there different cut-offs for OBC, SC, and ST candidates?
    Yes, OBC cut-offs are usually 2-5 marks lower than the general category, while SC and ST cut-offs range between 75-90 and 70-85 marks, respectively.
  5. What happens if I fail to qualify in CSAT but clear GS Paper-I?
    If you fail to qualify in CSAT, you will be disqualified from advancing to the Mains, even if you clear GS Paper-I.

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