Universe: Big Bang, Galaxies, Stars and Constellations Explained

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It is a vast expanse of space where everything in existence lies.

Different Views on the Universe

Geocentric View It places our Earth at the centre of the Universe
Heliocentric View It regards our Sun at the centre of the Universe


Big Bang Theory: Origins and Evidence

It was given by George Lemaitre.

  • It states that the universe came into existence around 13.8 billion years ago. The universe started as just a single point called the singularity – infinite mass with zero volume. 
  • During the Big Bang, the single point inflated and exploded violently which resulted in expansion of the universe.

Evidences Supporting Big Bang

  • Distance between galaxies increased (Red Shifting of Galaxies)
  • Faint glow of light present in the Universe (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation)


It is a huge collection of dust, gas, and billions of stars and their solar systems which are held together by gravity.

Types of Galaxies

Spiral Galaxies Elliptical Galaxies Irregular Galaxies
  • Flat, disc-shaped with curved spiral arms.
  • Greater concentration of stars at the centre.
  • Actively forming stars.
  • Example: Milky Way
  • Vary in shapes from almost circular to very elongated.
  • Possess comparatively little gas and dust.
  • Contain older stars and not many actively forming stars.
  • Most abundant in the universe.
  • Irregularly shaped.
  • Have very little dust.


Milky Way Galaxy: Structure and Neighbors

  • Location: Our solar system is located in this galaxy.
  • Size: Around 1,00,000 light-years across
  • Age: Around 13.6 billion years.
  • Type: Spiral Galaxy.
  • Structure:
    • Sagittarius A*: It is a supermassive black hole in the middle of our Milky Way galaxy. Everything in our galaxy revolves around this black hole.
    • Galactic Bulge: It is a tightly packed region of gas, dust, and stars in the immediate surrounding of the Sagittarius A*.
    • Galactic Disc: It is located beyond the galactic bulge. It hosts billions of stars, including our Sun.
  • Nearest Neighbour: Andromeda

Science of Stars

Stars are a giant, glowing ball of gas and dust which are held together by gravity.


  • Mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.
  • Vary in size, mass and temperature.
  • The colour of the star is determined by its temperature. The hottest stars are generally blue, while the coldest stars appear red. 

Life Cycle of a Star

universe big bang theory


A group of stars with a constant shape. 

  • Visibility of a particular constellation depends on the location and time. 
  • Generally named after objects, animals, and even mythological figures.  
  • At present, there are 88 officially recognized constellations. 
  • Used to name stars, meteor showers, and navigation.
  • Examples: Ursa Major, Orion, Hunter, Ursa Minor, and The Little bear.

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