Plate Tectonics: Types, Movements and Previous Year Questions

Review previous year questions related to plate tectonics and its influence on Earth's surface dynamics.

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The Earth’s lithosphere is divided into rigid sections known as plates, which float and move horizontally over the semi-molten asthenosphere in the mantle.

Types of Plate Tectonics

1. Continental Plates: These plates are made up of the continental crust, commonly called “sial.”

2. Oceanic Plates: These plates consist of oceanic crust, referred to as “sima.”

Classification Based on Size

Lithospheric plates are categorized further based on their size:

Major Lithospheric Plates

  • Antarctic Plate: Covers Antarctica and its surrounding oceanic areas.
  • North American Plate: Comprises the western Atlantic seabed, separated from the South American Plate along the Caribbean region.
  • South American Plate: Includes the western Atlantic seabed and is separated from the North American Plate near the Caribbean region.
  • Pacific Plate: Occupies a large portion of the Pacific Ocean basin.
  • Indo-Australian Plate: Encompasses the landmasses of India, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • African Plate: Covers the African continent and adjacent parts of the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
  • Eurasian Plate: Includes Europe, Asia, and their neighboring oceanic areas.

Major Lithospheric Plates

Minor Lithospheric Plates

  • Cocos Plate: Positioned between Central America and the Pacific Plate.
  • Nazca Plate: Located between South America and the Pacific Plate.
  • Arabian Plate: Primarily comprises the landmass of Saudi Arabia.
  • Philippine Plate: Lies between the Asiatic Plate and the Pacific Plate.
  • Caroline Plate: Found between the Philippine Plate and Indian Plate, north of New Guinea.
  • Fiji Plate: Situated to the northeast of Australia.
  • Juan de Fuca Plate: Found southeast of the North American Plate.

types of plate boundaries

Previous Year Questions

  1. Which of the following phenomena might have influenced the evolution of organisms?(2014)
  2. Continental drift
  3. Glacial cycles

Correct Answer: (c) Both 1 and 2

  1. Consider the following factors responsible for dynamic changes on the Earth’s surface:(2013)
  2. Electromagnetic radiation
  3. Geothermal energy
  4. Gravitational force
  5. Plate movements
  6. Rotation of the Earth
  7. Revolution of the Earth

Correct Answer: (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

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