Cirques/Corries |
Bowl-shaped depressions formed by glacial erosion. |
Snout |
The lowest end of a glacier, marking its terminus. |
Tarns |
Lakes formed in cirques after the ice melts. |
Erratics |
Large rock fragments transported by glaciers and deposited in different locations. |
Aretes |
Steep ridges formed when two cirques erode towards each other. |
Moraines |
Accumulated rock debris deposited by glaciers, including terminal, lateral, and medial moraines. |
Pyramidal Peaks |
Sharp peaks formed when three or more cirques converge. |
Ground Moraines |
Sediments deposited at the base of a glacier. |
Horns |
A single pyramidal peak shaped by cirque erosion on all sides. |
Drumlins |
Oval-shaped hills formed by glacial deposition, often found in clusters. |
Bergschrund |
A deep crevasse at the head of a glacier where ice begins to flow. |
Eskers |
Long ridges of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater within glacial tunnels. |
Roche Moutonnée |
Resistant rock mounds polished and shaped by glacial movement. |
Outwash Plains |
Flat plains formed by glacial meltwater depositing sediments near the glacier’s terminus. |
Crag and Tail |
Hard rock masses that shield softer rock on the leeward side from erosion. |
Kettle Lakes |
Depressions in outwash plains formed by melting ice blocks, later filled with water. |
U-shaped Valleys |
Valleys carved by glaciers into a U-shape as they erode the valley floor and walls. |
Kames |
Rounded hills of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater, also called hummocks. |
Hanging Valleys |
Tributary valleys left hanging above the main valley after glacial erosion, often featuring waterfalls. |
Ribbon Lakes |
Long, narrow lakes formed in deep glacial troughs after the ice has melted. |
Rock Basins |
Uneven erosion of bedrock creating basins that fill with water. |
Rock Steps |
Steps formed where tributary glaciers join the main glacier, deepening the valley floor. |
Fjords |
Deep, steep-sided inlets created when a glacial trough is submerged by the sea. |