Characteristics of Good Governance Principles and Initiatives

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According to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), Good governance has 8 major characteristics. It is participatory, geared towards consensus, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective, efficient, equitable, inclusive, and adheres to the rule of law. It ensures that corruption is minimized, the perspectives of minorities are considered, and that the voices of society’s most vulnerable members are taken into account in decision-making. Additionally, it is responsive to the current and future demands of society. These characteristics are explained below-

Role of Participation in Good Governance

Involvement from both men and women is a crucial foundation of good governance. Participation can occur either directly or through recognized intermediary institutions or representatives. 

  • It is crucial to note that representative democracy does not automatically mean that the interests of society’s most vulnerable members will be reflected in decision-making. 
  • Participation needs to be informed and organized. This implies the presence of freedom of association and expression alongside an organized civil society. 

Initiatives for Participation in Indian Governance

India has over 1.4 million women representatives in Panchayati Raj Institutions. Rule of Law . Provision of reservation of seats to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in Lok Sabha and State legislative assemblies has resulted in political empowerment of these vulnerable sections of the society. ””- the online platform by the Union government offers an opportunity for citizens to register their opinions in relation to policies of the government. Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy ensures that citizens register their voice on draft legislative proposals of the government.

Rule of Law in Good Governance

Good governance entails fair legal frameworks that are enforced without bias. 

  • It also calls for the full protection of human rights, especially those of minority groups. 
  • Impartial law enforcement necessitates an independent judiciary and a police force that is both unbiased and free from corruption. 

India’s Initiatives for Upholding Rule of Law and Ensuring Equal Justice

Indian constitution under article 39A specifically makes a provision for equal justice and free legal aid. The parliament passed the National Legal Services Authority Act (NALSA) to give effect to this provision which ensures that vulnerable sections including the poor are not denied justice because of their economic conditions. The ‘Basic Structure’ doctrine of the Supreme Court ensures that Rule of Law prevails in letter and spirit.

Transparency in Governance

Transparency signifies that the decisions made and their implementation are carried out following established rules and regulations. 

  • It also indicates that relevant information is readily available and easily accessible to those affected by such decisions and their execution. Furthermore, sufficient information should be provided in a manner that is easy to comprehend. 

Promoting Transparency in India

The Right To Information Act, 2005 passed by the parliament acts as an enabler for dissemination of information related to governmental activities. Voluntary disclosure of information by ministries and departments about their activities ensures transparency in the working of the government. Citizens should also be able to access information about government activities in their native languages to ensure understanding by the general public.

Ensuring Responsiveness in Governance

Good governance requires that institutions and processes aim to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe. 

  • Responsiveness from the government and its agencies helps in building the trust and confidence of citizens in the process of governance. 

Enhancing Governance Responsiveness

Grievance Redressal Mechanisms at both the Union and state levels ensure that citizens’ complaints regarding governmental non-performance are addressed within a specified timeframe. For instance, the Chief Minister’s Helpline in Madhya Pradesh resolves citizen complaints within seven to thirty days. The initiative of citizen charters by government agencies ensures time-bound and quality service delivery with the aim of satisfaction of beneficiaries. Twitter Seva platform is used by different ministries at the Union level to resolve queries of citizens.

Consensus-oriented Governance

Given that various actors and viewpoints exist within society, good governance necessitates mediating differing interests to achieve broad consensus on what serves the community’s best interests and how those goals can be accomplished.

  • It also requires a comprehensive and long-term perspective on what is essential for sustainable human development and the means to achieve such objectives. 
  • Achieving this understanding relies on grasping the historical, cultural, and social contexts of a specific society or community.  

Initiatives in India

In Indian context, the legislatures at both the Union and State levels provide a platform for discussion, deliberation and conflict resolution on key issues affecting the society in general. India’s democratic framework has played a significant role in developing civil society. Non-Governmental Organizations such as the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Centre for Science and Environment, Pratham, and Help Age India, as well as trade associations like the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), engage with the government and its agencies. Such interaction, in our democratic setup, has been instrumental in influencing government policy and making it broad-based and inclusive.

Equity and inclusiveness

The health of a society depends on ensuring that all its members feel they have a stake and are not marginalized from the community. 

  • This necessitates providing all groups, especially the most vulnerable, with opportunities to enhance or sustain their well-being.  

Initiatives in India

The constitutional provision of reservation helps in socio-politico-economic empowerment of vulnerable sections. The National Food Security Act, 2013 gives a statutory right to food to more than ninety crore Indians. Various agricultural subsidies have helped our vulnerable farmers to effectively tackle agrarian distress. The prime slogan of the present government is “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas” which showcases the principle values and attitude of equity and inclusiveness of the government towards the process of governance.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Good governance means that processes and institutions deliver outcomes that fulfill societal needs while making optimal use of available resources.

  •  In the context of good governance, efficiency also encompasses the sustainable management of natural resources and environmental protection. Initiative in India.

Initiative in India

The implementation of social audits for completed works under MGNREGA guarantees not only efficient and effective resource usage but also the accountability of contractors. India’s ‘Panchamrit’ strategy which includes the target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070, among other goals, to contribute towards sustainable development is a step which would ensure efficient and effective use of natural resources.

Accountability in Good Governance

Accountability is a fundamental requirement of good governance. Both governmental entities and the private sector, along with civil society organizations, must be held accountable to the public and their stakeholders. 

  • The accountability dynamics vary based on whether the decisions or actions are internal or external to an organization or institution. 
  • Generally, an organization or institution is accountable to those who will be impacted by its decisions.
  • Accountability cannot be enforced without transparency and the rule of law. 
  • Periodic elections, independent and assertive judiciary, strong and predictable legal framework, institutions such as Lokpal, Central Vigilance Commission, awareness among citizens about their rights and duties etc. ensures accountability of all the key players – the State, the Market and the Civil society- in the process of governance.

Pillars of Good Governance

  • Ethos (of service to the citizen), 
  • Ethics (honesty, integrity, accountability, and transparency), 
  • Equity (involves treating all citizens fairly, with empathy and compassion for disadvantaged groups), and 
  • Efficiency [speedy and effective delivery of service without harassment and using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) increasingly]

The essential characteristics of effective governance, as defined by policymakers, researchers, and international organizations, can be encapsulated in the acronym “SMART,” where each letter represents a fundamental aspect of good governance. SMART stands for simple, moral, accountable, responsive, and transparent, highlighting the qualitative aspect of governance rather than just improving the quality of it. 

The good governance agenda promotes freedom of information, a robust legal framework, and effective administration to empower underprivileged groups in their pursuit of equality. These initiatives have seen the most success when supported by strong political mobilization through social movements or political entities with a clear mission. Good governance aims to foster positive outcomes across the three domains: government, civil society, and the corporate sector, including multinational corporations.. Good governance is a tryst with trust, a commitment of the people, for the people, a social contract for the greatest good, and the collective conscience of the community.

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