In the light of the recommendations of the previously mentioned committees and to give effect to the spirit of Article 40 in the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) of Part-IV of the Indian Constitution, the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was brought into action.
The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, of 1992 has added Part IX consisting of 16 Articles and the Eleventh Schedule containing 29 subjects to the Constitution. The 73rd Amendment envisages the Gram Sabha as the foundation of the Panchayat Raj System to perform functions and powers entrusted to it by the State Legislatures. The amendment provides for a three tier Panchayat Raj System at the village, intermediate and district levels.
Do you know?
Article 40 of the DPSP mentions that the state shall take steps to organise village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government. The addition of this article in the constitution was inspired from thoughts of Gandhiji who advocated for autonomous local bodies at the village level. |
Features of the Panchayats or the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act
Three-tier government
The 73rd Amendment Act envisages a three-tier government at the grassroot level of democracy. These include Gram Panchayat at the Village level, Panchayat Samiti at the Taluk/Tehsil level, and Zila Parishad at the district level.
Gram Panchayat: The Gram Panchayat functions at the village level. The representatives of Gram Panchayat are elected directly by the members of Gram Sabha.
- Composition:
- The Gram Panchayat is headed by a Sarpanch. The Sarpanch shall be supported by upa-sarpanch and other members called the panch/ward members. Together they form a panchayat committee.
- Other functionaries of Gram Panchayat include Gram Sewak, Patwari, Panchayat Secretary, ASHA and Anganwadi workers.
- Functions: The panchayat committee carries out functions pertaining to planning, welfare programmes, and rural development. Panchayat executes various programmes of the government relating to rural employment, sanitation, primary education, village roads, etc. It should be noted that the extent of functions and responsibilities of the Panchayats are dependent on the respective laws made by the state legislature.
Gram Sabha
A Gram Sabha is the smallest unit of grassroots democracy or the Panchayat Raj Institutes. They represent the institution of direct democracy in India. The Gram Sabha consists of all adult residents, within a village or group of villages, who have been enrolled in the electoral rolls. The Gram Sabha holds two meetings every year. In these meetings, the Gram Sabha performs the function of a general assembly of a village or group of villages. The annual statement of accounts and audit are presented in front of the people. The assembly recommends new developmental projects which have to be undertaken by the Panchayats. While the Gram Sabha acts as a general assembly, the Gram Panchayat acts as an executive body. |
Panchayat Samiti: The Panchayat Samiti functions at the Block or Taluk level. The Panchayat Samiti is also recognised as Block Panchayat or Taluk Panchayat. The Panchayat Samiti represents 20 to 60 villages constituting a population of around 80000.
- Composition
- The members of Panchayat Samiti are directly elected. While the Chairperson is elected indirectly from amongst the members.
- The Panchayat Samiti includes members from the cooperative field, local MLAs, and MPs who can be co-opted as associate members.
- The key functionaries of Panchayat Samiti include the Block Development Officer (BDO) and the Chief Executive Officer, Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Panchayat Samiti.
- Functions
- The Panchayat Samiti implements the developmental activities in the block.
- They assist district panchayats in formulating policies and play a crucial role in implementation of such policies.
- They also prepare the budget, and annual reports for the block.
Zila Parishad: While the Panchayat Samiti plays an implementing role the Zilla Parishad plays an advisory and supervisory role.
- Composition
- Members of the Zilla Parishad are directly elected while the Chairperson/President is elected indirectly from amongst the members.
- MLAs and MPs from the constituency forming a part of the district can also be members of the District Panchayat.
- The key functionaries of Zilla Parishad include Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, District Collector, District Health Officer, Executive Engineers, Agriculture Development Officer, etc.
- Functions
- The Zila Parishad advises the government regarding developmental activities that need to be undertaken in the district.
- The Zila Parishad suggests ways and means for the implementing agencies to execute policies in relation to development in the best possible manner.
- The Zila Parishad appoints committees consisting of elected members for dealing with specific matters such as sanitation, infrastructure, water resources, etc.
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