To enhance the participation of citizens in governance through above mechanisms, the 2nd ARC has made following recommendations-
- Suggestion box: It should be mandatory for all government organizations to develop a suitable mechanism for receipt of suggestions from citizens, which could range from the simple ‘Suggestion Box’ to periodic consultations with citizens’ groups. Leaders of the relevant organizations must ensure thorough follow-up actions on the suggestions received so that these efforts yield meaningful results. A system of incentives and rewards ought to be established to acknowledge suggestions that result in notable improvements or savings.
- Complaints resolution: Every government organization must ensure the following:
- fool-proof system for registration of all complaints,
- a prescribed time schedule for response and resolution, and
- a monitoring and evaluation mechanism to ensure that the norms prescribed are complied with.
Utilizing information technology tools can enhance accessibility for citizens regarding such a system. Those in charge of all government organizations should be held accountable for developing a system that ensures timely responses to citizens’ complaints.
- Feedback: Regular citizens’ feedback and surveys and citizens’ report cards should be evolved by all government organisations for gauging citizens’ responses to their services. These should be used as inputs for improving organizational efficiency.
- Encouraging participation: Although a single approach cannot be established to promote citizens’ involvement in governance, there is a general need to create institutionalized frameworks that foster participation in governance across public agencies at every level. To achieve this, the following steps are essential:
- A comprehensive review of policy and practice in each department/ public agency.
- Modifying administrative procedures where necessary.
- Entrustment of the function of institutionalizing citizens’ participation in governance to a senior level officer.
- Performance management reviews to incorporate effectiveness in ensuring citizens’ participation in governance.
- Cooperative effort: The objective of citizens’ participation in governance could also be served by active and cooperative participation by government agencies in civil society initiatives in the area of citizens’ participation in grievance redressal.
Platforms for Citizen Engagement in Governance in India
India is the world’s largest democracy with a population of more than 1.3 billion people. In a democracy, it is crucial that citizens participate in the decision-making process and have a say in governance. Over the years, various platforms have been developed in India to facilitate citizen participation in governance. Following are some of the platforms for citizens’ participation in governance in India:
- Gram Sabhas: Gram Sabhas are local self-governing bodies in rural areas. The Gram Sabha is an open assembly of all the people of a village, which meets at regular intervals to discuss and decide upon issues related to the development of the village. The Gram Sabhas have the power to approve plans, projects, and budgets for their villages.
- Ward Committees: Ward committees are local self-governing bodies in urban areas. The ward committees are responsible for preparing plans and projects for the development of the ward, as well as monitoring their implementation. The ward committees also have the power to recommend projects and schemes to the municipal corporation.
- Jansunwai: Jan Sunwais are public grievance redressal meetings organized by the district administration at the district level. The meetings are held once a month and are open to the public. The aim of the Jan Sunwais is to provide a platform for citizens to air their grievances and receive timely redressal.
- Public Hearings: Public hearings are conducted by various regulatory bodies such as the National Green Tribunal, State Pollution Control Boards, and State Electricity Regulatory Commissions. Public hearings are held to obtain public feedback on various issues related to the functioning of these bodies.
- Right to Information Act: The Right to Information Act (RTI) is a landmark legislation that gives citizens the right to obtain information from public authorities. The RTI Act has been used extensively by citizens to obtain information on various issues related to governance.
- Social Media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. have become popular platforms for citizens to voice their opinions on governance-related issues. Social media has played a crucial role in mobilizing public opinion on various issues.
- MyGov: MyGov is an online platform launched by the Government of India in 2014 to facilitate citizen participation in governance. The platform provides a space for citizens to give their feedback on various policy initiatives, as well as participate in various contests and surveys.
Citizens’ participation in governance is crucial for a healthy democracy. The platforms mentioned above provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the decision-making process and hold the government accountable. It is important that citizens make use of these platforms to ensure that their voices are heard and their concerns addressed.
Case studiesParticipatory Budgeting in KeralaThe state of Kerala in India has been implementing participatory budgeting (PB) since 1996, where citizens can participate in the budget-making process and suggest projects for their localities. The process involves a series of public meetings where citizens can present their project ideas, discuss their feasibility, and vote on the projects that will be included in the budget. The process is transparent and participatory, with citizens playing an active role in the decision-making process. PB has been successful in empowering citizens and enhancing their sense of ownership and responsibility towards local development. The process has also helped to prioritize the needs of marginalized groups and increase transparency and accountability in the governance system. Kerala’s PB model has been recognized as a best practice for citizen participation in governance and has been replicated in several other states across India. Janaagraha’s Initiative for Transparency and AccountabilityJanaagraha, a non-profit organization based in Bengaluru, works to improve the quality of life in cities by engaging citizens and working with the government to implement innovative solutions. One of its key initiatives is the “I Paid a Bribe” campaign, which encourages citizens to report instances of corruption they encounter while dealing with the government. The campaign uses an online platform where citizens can anonymously report bribes they paid or refused to pay, and the data is used to advocate for policy changes and to hold corrupt officials accountable. Through this campaign, Janagraha has succeeded in creating awareness about the pervasive nature of corruption in public services and has helped citizens become more active in holding the government accountable. Moreover, this initiative has also led to significant policy changes, such as the introduction of e-procurement systems, which have reduced opportunities for corruption in government contracts. |
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