UPSC CSAT Exam 2025, Pattern, Syllabus, Marking Scheme

Explore the UPSC CSAT exam 2025 pattern, syllabus, marking scheme, qualifying marks, and key topics. Get tips on CSAT preparation and previous year papers.

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The UPSC CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) is a critical component of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination. For aspirants who aim to clear one of the toughest exams in India, understanding the UPSC CSAT exam is essential. In this article, we will dive deep into the UPSC CSAT, exploring its full form, meaning, pattern, syllabus, marking scheme, and much more. Whether you are wondering what topics are asked in UPSC CSAT, is CSAT qualifying in UPSC, or about the CSAT qualifying marks, you’ll find all the answers here.

What is UPSC CSAT?

UPSC CSAT, or the Civil Services Aptitude Test, is the second paper in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. It is designed to test the candidate’s analytical skills, problem-solving ability, comprehension skills, and decision-making aptitude. It is an objective-type paper that acts as a qualifying exam, which means candidates need to meet the minimum qualifying marks to proceed with the UPSC Mains.

While the UPSC CSAT is not directly considered for ranking in the UPSC exam, failing to meet the CSAT qualifying marks will result in disqualification from the Civil Services Examination. It is, therefore, essential for candidates to understand its importance and prepare accordingly.

UPSC CSAT Full Form and Meaning

The full form of UPSC CSAT is the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Aptitude Test. It is a general studies paper that evaluates the logical reasoning and decision-making abilities of candidates. While the UPSC CSAT doesn’t contribute to the final merit list directly, it is still mandatory to qualify.

UPSC CSAT Pattern 2025

Understanding the UPSC CSAT pattern is crucial for proper exam preparation. The paper consists of two sections, as follows:

Section Topics Marks Time
Section A Comprehension, logical reasoning, decision-making 200 2 hours
Section B Quantitative Aptitude, basic arithmetic 200 2 hours
Total 400 4 hours
  • The total number of questions is 80, each with 2.5 marks.
  • Negative marking: 1/3 mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
  • The paper is bilingual in English and Hindi.

What Topics Are Asked in UPSC CSAT?

To perform well in the UPSC CSAT, you need to be familiar with the following UPSC CSAT syllabus topic-wise:

  1. Comprehension: This section tests your ability to understand and interpret English passages.
  2. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability: Puzzles, pattern-based questions, and reasoning-based problems.
  3. Decision Making and Problem Solving: This evaluates the candidate’s approach to making decisions under pressure.
  4. Basic Numeracy: Simple arithmetic, percentage, averages, and number series.
  5. Data Interpretation: Bar graphs, pie charts, and tabular data analysis.

UPSC CSAT Syllabus Topic Wise

To ensure comprehensive preparation for the UPSC CSAT, breaking down the syllabus by topics helps candidates focus on the key areas:

Topic Sub-topics
Comprehension English passages, answering based on context
Logical Reasoning Verbal reasoning, series, analogy, syllogism, coding-decoding
Decision Making Case studies, ethical dilemmas, problem-solving scenarios
Quantitative Aptitude Ratios, time and work, probability, percentage, number series
Data Interpretation Bar graphs, pie charts, tables, Venn diagrams, and logical puzzles

CSAT Marking Scheme

The CSAT marking scheme is relatively straightforward. As mentioned, each correct answer is awarded 2.5 marks, while each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of 0.83 marks (1/3 of 2.5). There are no negative marks for unattempted questions. Given the number of questions and the time constraints, strategizing your answers carefully is key to succeeding in the UPSC CSAT.

Is CSAT Qualifying in UPSC?

A common question that aspirants ask is: “Is CSAT qualifying in UPSC?” The answer is yes; the UPSC CSAT is a qualifying paper. It means that while the marks in the CSAT do not count toward the final ranking, candidates must secure the minimum qualifying marks to advance to the Mains exam.

UPSC CSAT Qualifying Marks

To qualify for the UPSC CSAT, candidates must secure a minimum of 33% (or 66 marks out of 200). This percentage is the baseline for passing the exam, and candidates must meet this requirement to move forward in the selection process. If candidates do not meet the CSAT qualifying marks, they are considered disqualified for the Civil Services Examination, regardless of their performance in the General Studies Paper.

UPSC CSAT Previous Year Papers

Studying UPSC CSAT previous year papers is one of the best strategies to prepare for the exam. It helps in understanding the nature of the questions, the difficulty level, and the time management needed to complete the exam. The previous year’s papers also provide insight into the common trends in question patterns and frequently asked topics.

Here are direct links to download the CSAT PYQ Papers.

CSAT Previous Year Question Paper (2014-2024)
Question Paper Download Link
CSAT 2024 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2023 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2022 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2021 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2020 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2019 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2018 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2017 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2016 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2015 Question Paper Click Here
CSAT 2014 Question Paper Click Here

Key Points to Remember About UPSC CSAT:

  • The UPSC CSAT paper is of 200 marks, with 80 questions.
  • The UPSC CSAT syllabus includes logical reasoning, comprehension, quantitative aptitude, and data interpretation.
  • It is a qualifying paper with a 33% cutoff for qualifying.
  • The marks of the UPSC CSAT do not contribute to the final ranking.


In conclusion, the UPSC CSAT is a crucial part of the UPSC Civil Services Examination. Even though it is a qualifying paper, its importance should not be underestimated. Understanding the UPSC CSAT pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme, along with regular practice of previous year papers, can significantly improve your chances of qualifying. Aspirants must ensure to secure at least 33% marks to pass the exam and move forward in their journey to become a civil servant.

With focused preparation and strategic study, clearing the UPSC CSAT is absolutely achievable. So, get started with your preparations today and keep track of the essential topics to succeed!

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