Telegram, the secure messaging platform, has introduced a new Story feature exclusively available to its premium users. With this feature, premium users can share stories visible to their chosen audience, which includes both premium and non-premium users. The latest update is now accessible on Telegram\’s Android, iOS, and Desktop versions.
Located at the top of the screen, above the global chat search, the Story feature enables users to share photos, videos, and text that automatically disappear after 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Alternatively, users have the option to set specific stories to remain permanently on their profiles, providing more control over their content and privacy.
Furthermore, users can customize their audience by selecting specific individuals who can view their stories, adding an extra layer of confidentiality and personalization.
To enhance the storytelling experience for premium users, Telegram\’s Stories support dual camera functionality, allowing them to simultaneously capture photos and videos using both their front and rear cameras. Premium users can also access additional features such as animated stickers, polls, and quizzes, making their stories more captivating and interactive.
In other news, Telegram has successfully raised $210 million through bond sales, with investors including its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov. The platform issued bonds worth $270 million due to significant interest rate increases since 2021, leading to the bonds being priced differently